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Do I hate the world? I can't decide.

Went to Bloomsburg and got some movies. (Schindler's List, Some Like it Hot, U Turn, Farewell My Concubine) Watched Some Like it Hot when I got home.

Allison says they're doing Godot at Susquehanna, which I'd like to see. But it's a matter of getting a ride there. So I talked to Aaron and Zane, but that was worthless. Talking to people is futile most of the time. But I don't know who else would want to. Oh, well.

Wrote a paper for history.

Watched Hamlet (Branagh). It was pretty long and the Ghost scenes were done badly, but mostly it was great.

Watched movies (Annie Hall, History of the World, All About Eve)

In the morning when we were working, everyone was really hostile to me. I guess I didn't tell Aaron to stop the truck or something, and then everyone was grouchy at me and acted like they were doing me some great favor by "letting" me help them. After that I was pretty annoyed. I guess we're done for the rest of the year, and I'm glad.

Had a lot of fun with Keil, and he took pictures of me in underwear and socks. For a while we helped Aaron with his English paper, which was terrible (the paper). He really had no idea of how to write. Neither do the people in my class, though. No one reads the books and so they can't possibly write well. It was fun, and then pictures and then Zane came and he and Aaron left. And then it was just Keil and me for a while, which was best. And then Zane and Aaron came back and we went to Denny's, and it was fun like it used to be. (Not fun for too long, of course.)

Finished my book and also bought Waiting for Godot and the John Adams biography which came out some years ago and has been so highly acclaimed.

Nick called and I'm supposed to work tomorrow. Keil's home for the weekend, too.

It's too exerting to be around Aaron and to try to be his friend. It's so love-hate, but disproportional now, favoring the later. I don't want to bother going.

This didn't come about without a good deal of reluctance, but either way we are not friends. I think that we could be, if only would he allow it. But he procrastinates about it. That's the most suitable word for it.

Stayed after school until 4.30 to talk to Mrs. Peters about some of my writing. She seemed really to think it was decent. Then I didn't do much of anything. I lied in bed and tried to read, and by 5.30 it was dark and I kept falling asleep.

Mrs. Peters is indescribable. I'm incapable of expressing gratitude to people well though.

I guess I'm grounded.

Went to see Romeo and Juliet during school. The woman who played the nurse is always really bad, such an over actor. Mercutio was good and Lord Capulet; Romeo and Juliet were mediocre and died badly. Paris was the only one who died well. I guess Tybalt was good, lots of blood. Overall it was really great, and of course the writing is top notch. The ending is the best part. And Andy played the Prince, which was great.

We watched a "behind-the-scenes" documentary in class, and the Romeo actor was so phoney. He kept talking about his stage name. Like a minute of his interview, he was talking about it. He tried to introduce himself, "I'm Shannon MIcheal Wagner. That's my performing name, Shannon Micheal Wagner. But people call me Shannon Wagner in real life." He was such a pretentious fuck about it that my comments on his acting can't be taken seriously. One or two lines were really bad, but I guess he was fine.

One thing: when he got out of the bed he was wearing boxers, and later everyone was telling me that they thought he'd stuffed them with a sock. My vision isn't that good so I didn't know or care to know, but that'd really be phoney, hunh?

Everyone's interpretation of the play is that it's about how stupid kids can be. But I don't think so at all. I guess there's cause to think so, but Romeo and Juliet are much more noble and sensible than all the adults. All the authority figures, save the prince, are insane. The Capulets are jerks to their daughter. Lady C. obviously isn't close to, and doesn't care to be close to, Juliet. Lord C. doesn't respect Juliet, etc. And he claims to do things for her own good, that classic line, but is venemous so far as to threaten to throw her onto the streets. Friar Lawrence, a character with good intentions, is in far over his head.

We can't say that the "moral of the story" is that you need to listen to your parents. Because these parents are rotten. They only have their own interests in mind, and also want to kill each other. And of course they've passed that on to the next generation, which is an example of the children "conform[ing] with [their] wishes." Which is a haunting thing to say.

Shakespeare's adults are jerks. Romeo and Juliet are a little too eager to kill themselves, but maybe that's just the craft. The best explanation is that the love is sincere. No one has ever said that Brutus was too young to be a character whose feelings could be taken seriously, or that Antony and Cleopatra were too foolish and young to be in love. But people make unfounded (maybe slightly - Rosaline - founded) remarks about Romeo and Juliet because of their age. This is the same as when my father says that I'm too young to know anything, and it's just a world of heartless, passionless adults who hate other people with no reason, hold ancient prejudices, etc, trying to turn the next generation into the bores that they are.

I would say that Juliet is much wiser than her parents. "What is in a name?" etc., is an accurate and wise thought in the context of the play. Meanwhile, her parents hate the Montagues blindly, etc..

So Shakespeare, according to my romantic and youthful perception, writes about the real knowledge of the young being obliterated by the older generation's assumed knowledge. With age doesn't necessarily come wisdom; I know plenty of stupid adults. And I'm smarter than my parents. (I mean this in understanding of other people, how to be compassionate and good, rationality, etc.)  And of course we can assume that Shakespeare himself was a youthful romantic, right?

And also, all the adults in Hamlet are jerks or crazies, right? Hamlet's pretty nutty himself, but he's the only noble character of the play. (or Horatio, or Ophelia) But either way, the kids are the (mostly tragic) heroes.

There's also once more a silly 'war' going on, which the children realize the stupidity of. Hamlet says, you know, "wherein the numbers cannot try the cause." Everyone is fighting for nothing in particular, and the more youthful characters are they only ones sensible enough to protest it.

Well, being on a bus with my classmates made me realize how rotten most of them are, but then how great some of the others can be.

Philip and Adam are the kinds of people who think being unhappy is "cool". They complained about everything. And they didn't give the play half a chance before they hated it and thought it was a waste. They're a waste, I think. Of human life, you know? They spoil it's potential to be funny and happy and are just depressed all the time, put little grimaces on and sneers for everyone to see.

Tim is really shy now. Since his girlfriend, which was supposedly the pinnacle of his newfound extraversion, he talks to no one, not even her, and just nods at everything. Ashley i s so great, and Kayla is perfectly beautiful, and Christine, even. Christine is much less intelligent than she used to be; it's probably all the Wednesday night Bible studies. But she's nice and has such a face. Snyder I don't think I understand. Kara is rotten. The Paul/Danny/Darren crowd are probably some of the nicest among us, and there's no doubt about what their intentions are. A lot of the girls are the silent servile types who read ROmance novels and say, "Gee, I don't know" or "Whatever you like" to everything.  

None of them are like me very much. No one is exactly what I want. I'm such a nut I guess.

Last night and tonight my parents just yelled and yelled. Heather was studying at the dinner table when we were all eating, which is "rude" according to their moral system.

Over the weekend I just watched movies and wrote and took about 7 rolls of film, and on Sunday I was very excited when I woke up to not have school and to be able to read, etc. But then I remembered my English project, which is just about the most infantile thing I've been subjugated to since the third grade. So I had to spend the whole day doing that, wasting up good words on such banal work. The whole thing is designed, it seems, to make creativity impossible. Everything I came up with wasn't allowed, and the whole thing was more about making a little poster than writing something decent. My idea for it was to write a Prologue like Chaucer's with a few characters - modern characters - and making scathing remarks about their hypocrisies, and setting up a similar story contest and modern pilgrimage, and then just one or two short stories that characters tell. But instead it's about travel guides, etc. Designing a pilgrimage, having a map and pictures on some poster board.

It seems like, if hours of work are required for something, the end product should be worthwhile. You have to put some effort into gettin g a good grade, but never effort that is worthwhile except the grade itself. Which is worth nothing. She's nice and everything like that, but she's kind of petty. She complained that my papers were printed out on paper with marks on the back, and not to do it again.

Ashley Albertson, whom I'd be madly in love with if only her parents weren't the kind of religious goofballs who'd not allow it, was screaming about her English grades. They're all so good. I'm never sure how to know if I can really write a solid essay; Mrs. Richter grades them so liberally. Even on purpose. She says, "Well the test grades were bad, so I gave everyone a good grade on the papers."

The logic is unsound in that. It seems like the reverse should be taking place: the childish quizes shouldn't matter nearly so much as the essays. I don't think the point of the class is to pick up facts, but rather to learn  to write well. Whihc only about four of us can do.

AP needs to be seriously downsized.

Worked most of the week with Aaron, which is always a heart-breaking experience, and also I wrote and revised my play and watched movies and read some.

Went to visit Keil, and we were in a movie he had to make for class. Also we saw the Evil Dead movies at Lincoln Center, which aren't good at all. I can see the humor in making fun of horror movies, but I don't know why you'd do such a rotten, unfunny job of it.

I got tired and we got back late and Nick said I should spend the night again, which I didn't care to ask the logic of, and so when I woke up Aaron wanted to do his laundry before his friends came over and I had to leave.

Spent the night at Aaron's, and he wasn't there most of the evening. I had to because we were leaving for New York early in the morning. I went for a walk and it was cold and clean like Fall, and it was beautiful and I wished I had my camera, which wouldn't have mattered anyway. without a tripod.

Aaron came and he was rotten and we went immediately to bed. At ten o'clock he wants to go to bed; everyone is so ancient and tedious.

Spent all of last week either writing or working.

Thought today of a good book idea, exploiting Chuck. I'd have to write him as continually the youthful and fun character he was when I first met him, though, or else the reader would care as little for him as I now do.

Every time I talk to Aaron he's off to Jenn's house to eat dinner with her parents. It seems to me like such grandparent fun, pseudo-fun.

And all the adults I know keep saying "someday you'll feel the same way" about all of their boring opinions. It's so sad the way they predict I'll be old and bitter and I'll sell out as they.

Chuck and I bicycled into Millville so he could buy cigarettes and I rented some movies.

My parents were having some sort of party, and when they and all of their friends went to bed, David and Neil and Billy and Bryan came and raided all of their left-over alcohol. Suddenly now they're all always saying Hey man how are you? in hallways to me. So I got them some beer and now we're close friends. Crazy.

Chuck called and wanted to come over at like ten, he had no place to stay. So we got him and he stayed until Monday morning, which made my mother very angry.

Came home and wrote for a little. Watched a movie.

Chuck's moving in with Adam, I guess. Which sounds supremely boring to me, with Adam always having his psychotic episodes.

The amount of friends I have keeps getting smaller and smaller. And of course I can't really spend my weekends with Mrs. Peters.

I don't know. Tim and I decided today just to become complete burnouts.


Had a pretty decent day.

I think probably I don't have a single real friend in the world.

Reading got kind of tedious after a while. Aaron the other day said we should start hanging out with each other. So I called him today. But of course he was a dick. I was pretty sad after that so I wrote a short story.

He's so fucked up and irrational about everything. If you took a bullet for him, he'd try to make you feel like you owed him some sort of favor for it. He turns every conversation into a word game.

The most wickedly ruthless and funny thing is that he calls me when he needs someone to help him work and he calls other people when he wants to have fun. I think I'm going to have to start bitterly saying, though, that he needs to phone Zane and Jenn from now on when he needs help.

Went to Bloomsubrg. Everyone wanted Chuck to buy cigarettes for them, so he had to get his check from Burger King and then buy them.

Smoking is about the screwiest thing imaginable. If something that gives you cancer is worthwhile, like marijuana, that's one thing. But if something gives you cancer and heart disease and tastes like shit, and is really expensive, then you have to be a real doofus to bother. I mean, there are such more fun ways to destroy yourself. I smoked some cigars and they made my kneecaps feel really light and I felt kind of sick, and things you get addicted to creep me out.

Chuck kept putting things out on the pages of my copy of On the Road, which I was lending to Phil.

I was kind of scared because when I went to Neil's house today none of the food had been eaten, so I'm worried they'll all starve to death and it'll be my fault. I'm not worried because I care about Neil and his dog, but just because it'd be really boring for me to have to listen to them all weepy-eyed and pissed and I would have to pretend like I was sad, too.

My good friend or amicus Tim is depressed at the universe. Chuck and Philip are sometimes really not very nice to him. Chuck was among the most supremely awesome bhodisatva friends I had up until around school began, and he's still cool. But he got less youthful and now more often just a dick. They say shit like, "I think Tim's gay," when he's not around. So I don't know, maybe I'll just stay at home abed to read my Chekov more often. Because most particularly Tim amicus est, etc., amo, etc. And I really care a lot more about him than any of the others. It'd be beauteous though if we could all just be friendly and compassionate to each other.

Aaron said the other day that my friendships are all contraditions because I hang out with Chuck and Phil and Adam and then go home to read and write and be nothing at all like them. I said though that I didn't know anyone our age who read as much as I do, or who even read. Of course he said that he reads, and I took the opportunity to remind him of why I don't hang out with him, which is that he is a retard most of the times that I see him.

His friendships are pretty contradictory in that respect as well. Because Zane and Jenn are not the type who read, either. And also they have bad taste in films.

Aaron though doesn't read so much as he collects books.

Woke up at nine, worked until 2.30. Have to go to Neil's house everyday this week to feed his goat and fish.

Chuck & Phil came around nine. I read Cherry Orchard in the interim. They had Amanda with them. They were bringing Heather along. Amanda said a lot of really stupid and destitute things I want to write into a novella. Heather and Amanda are retards and I wish we wouldn't always have to bring annoying girls along with us, also because it's not as if I'm getting anything out of it anyway.

Hell, it's not truly as if they were geting much out of it. I guess just the mental stiumlation that Amanda brings.

Endless lies. Heather told my mom she was spending the night at Erica's. Really she spent the night with us. We had to pick up Adam at 10.30 at Coastal. He wasn't there so we went to his house. His mom said he was supposed to be with us, where the hell was he, what's going on, etc., etc. So he'd lied to her, and then we had to get Andy to lie and say Adam was with him instead of wherever he was, which was someplace he's not supposed to go to. And we had to lie to Andy and hide Heather and not let him know she was there. And Andy had to lie and say he was with us when really he was with his girlfriend. And Chuck lied to me and said he had an 1/8. Really he just had tea he stole from my house, literal tea, and got me to smoke it, but of course it just tasted like tea. Green tea.

I think probably soon all of our very trusting and naive and stupid parents will catch on and we'll all be really fucked.

Half-day. Worked after school until 3.30.

I emailed Liz the other day and said maybe we should be friends again, so we've been talking a little.

Came home and finished my book.

Some of the girls in trig are kind of bitchy because Henry and I got 100s and screwed up the curve. He never curves anything, anyway, I'm pretty sure. Only the two of us and Vasyl got As and everyone else basically failed, so I was pretty thrilled but tried very hard to hide it. But I was glad because I love it so much but usu. make horribly minute errors and then that fucks up everything.

Yesterday when we were taking it Mr Woolcock said the first page had to be done and if we needed to we could finish the second page  today. But then a few people handed in their papers so he changed his mind with ten minutes left in the period, and everyone's mad at that. Today people who were making up their test handed it into him and he mocked the people who didn't finish and said things like, "Wow, I can't believe you guys could finish this in time; I'm amazed. I thought this was too hard for one class period"

He's really a dick to anyone who isn't good at it. I am kind of good at it though so I think he's hilarious.

Nick called after I got home and I worked for a while. The basement filled up with water so we had to get it out; I thought of using the pump on their little portable gardenhose thing, and that was pretty slow but mildly effective. Also I hoed a little and Aaron's cousin came; she's got awfully large tits but I'm not sure if she's very worthwhile or not. Then Nick and I ate somewhere and he's going to make a bowl for me. He told me some of his nutty stories. With the little strings of tobacco hanging out of his rolled cigarette, he looks like a madman.

Aaron called and woke me up and said we weren't working today, it was raining. Aaron likes this Ray Bradbury quote,

If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.

It doesn't make sense. If you jump off a cliff, you die. There are no wings. So either Ray Bradbury is a complete doofus, or he's the genius I've always known him to be and therefore we can take his word for it, ipso facto, that we've got to be cold and indifferent and logical to everything.

I can see that this will require some careful introspection.

I read all day except when I watched a movie.

Took Chuck and Tim home and then my parents bitched at me all day and I read and watched a movie.

They say I need to get a job. I need to get a headstart on working until I'm seventy, I guess.

For the past five days they haven't stopped verbally abusing me. They'll do anything for Heather, but then they just act like jerks to me. They're really irrational, too. No logic at all. Always saying, "Why don't you do normal things?" So I say most normal people suck. And then they say that's true. And so I say, "Why conform then?" And they say to have friends. And I say two things. One: I have friends. Two: Friends worth having don't make you be someone you aren't.

But I'm perfectly normal. I'm what you are when you just let yourself be yourself.

All my philosophies are just the kinds of mawkish haiku bullshit inspirational quotes teachers hang in their rooms. It's what people have told me for years; all my life. Except no one really believes it. Really what the teachers want is for you to stop thinking for yourself and to contribute to the gross national product. That's what my parents want.

They say, don't you want lots of money? Don't you want a car? And in my premature enlightenment, I say no. I don't need a car to go nowhere.

Got some movies and Chuck and Tim came over. Smoked some green tea in the yard. We're such hedonists.

Just came home and finished Heart of Darkness.

School was more boring than usu. Had gifted today, which is ridiculous. I wrote "I am going to write a novel," on some paper and handed it in for what I'm going to do for my "project". We just sit around and do our homework; Mr. Novak is so incompetent.

I was thinking it'd be funny to say "I will attain enlightenment" as a project. Or "I will illegally procure cocaine and sell it from my locker."

Went to New York early in the morning. We went to the Brooklyn Museum of Art and then just drove around on the subway for hours. A guy sitting next to me gave me a copy of The Onion. Saw Bleeker Street and Soho and all the places where Bob Dylan used to smoke pot and caterwaul. And Battery Park.

Keil I guess wants to transfer. He seems like he's doing well.

Got home around 11.30, exhausted. Beat off and went to sleep.

Came to Aaron's at 7. He was really being an ass; didn't talk to me at all. Jenn came and I just sat in his livingroom for four hours. They were outside in the woods doing whatever they do together. Whatever it is must be about the only thing they do together, because it seems to me that her tits are a good deal larger than her brains.

Aaron and I mutually agreed and shook on it not to be friends anymore.

Spent the night.

Jenn's always saying retarded stuff to me like, "Why won't you love anyone? I think you're afraid to let people love you. Why don't you date people? You're just scared to love people." I do my Socratic childish "Why? Why? What for? Why?" to her. Aaron says it's rude.

I think she's really dumb and I don't know why exactly he's so in love with her, because non coitus interruptus habeunt inquit. He's always falling in love with girls, like Kendra, and telling me how engaging and funny they are. But of course they're neither engaging or funny. And how does he have his pretentious "Fred Nietzsche is a stupid fucker" conversations with them? You've got one person pretending to have read him and the other with no clue who he is. I mean he's just so much of a Cliff Notes intellectual most of the time, and they're never even that much.

He wrote a song for her that I heard the other day. The guitar was good but the lyrics were put together badly and it was pretty gross and maudlin and also he sings even kind of factiously. An epithalanium of "The Dilettante and His Bride."

Chuck and Tim came over and spent the night.

Choke. Didn't like it nearly as much as everyone else. Too much like Fight Club. Every sentence is some too clever one-liner. and it gets tedious with him always thinking of what a funny genius he is. It was such a Vonnegut rip-off. More narrative than him, but with the same kinds of "So it goes" phrases always repeated. And also the thing with the nurse is too cliché. It's written in catch-phrases and punch lines. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like it, so it's because I'm "negative about everything." Whatever the hell that means. "Discerning" is the word I would use.

Made noodles for dinner and watched some Hitchcock and then Chuck & Phil stopped in and we went to Adam's for some reason.

I wish people wouldn't come in without knocking.

Spent the night at Tim & Vasyl & Chuck's. First we went to the field hockey game, which was pretty dumb. Tied up George.

Their bus driver was really bitchy.

Rented some movies. Bought Choke, which is good so far.

Felt like shit about eighth period on.

I am as calm as a little buddha.

Read Conrad for school and watched movies the whole day.

I guess we're watching the film of it in class. I'm pretty sure there's an Orson Welles version but we're not seeing that one. And also we're going to watch A Knight's Tale. I mean, for fuck's sake, is she a retard or what?

I don't like her. She makes English less interesting than my seventh grade Mr. Mordan Geography class. And he's really a robot of a human being, lots of very bad jokes. She just takes the life out of everything. Something really adventerous and fun like Beowulf she destroys. And anyway I've already read Beowulf, so it's a pain in the ass to have an assignment of reading excerpts and then answering screwy questions about it.

David came on his motorcycle and then left and I didn't really talk to him. I should have.

Went to the pizzeria with everyone and then to Tim's and then to Phil's and then to my house where I made spaghetti and then they left and I watched a movie and slept.

We went swimming for a while, too.

Went camping with Tim, Chuck, Adam, Killer and Phil. Phil and Tim (with Heather and Lucy) went to pick up Chuck and so I talked to Vasyl and Adam for a while. Vasyl is really cool. Adam is a screwball.

Later he went insane. He's really a nut, I think. He gets crazy about everything, very irrationally uptight. It's kind of boring.

When we left, Tim's dad said, "No alcohol, just marijuana." It was tough hiding my laughter.

Rented movies and finished my Vonnegut.

I guess Heather's coming tomorrow night, which I'm not particularly thrilled about. Chuck's dating her now so she wants to come and he wants her to. But there's something about retard 8th grade girls that ruins the Eastern beauty of it.

On the one hand I don't want to be a dick to Chuck. But also I don't want my sister to be around all the time. So I don't know. It's bullshit and I should just not be an ass I guess. Life is frittered away by bullshit. But it adds a new level of complications when Heather comes, because then her friends have to come. All is bullshit.

School and then I finished my book and watched a movie and worked on Slaughterhouse V.

School then worked until dark.

We're going to Phil's on Friday. I thought it was going to be like three people but now everyone's coming. Henry even. So it should be interesting.

Worked more and then felt bad and went home.

Worked until 2 but it was raining so we left early. Ate at Aaron's and then he was being a dick and I went home. Always when I'm there Jenn calls and he says that he's doing something with her and I can either go with them or his mom can take me home. It's a really shitty deal.

I felt giggly all morning until just before I left Aaron's when I suddenly felt impossibly sad.

Chuck came over and we burnt some spray paint.

Told Allison I didn't really give a damn about her. So I think I'm just going to burn all my bridges now.

Last night at the West Coast the most beauteous wonderous Botticelli goddess was working there. She nervously explained that first she had to make sure all the tapes I was returning weren't over-due. Then she asked what I was renting. And she smiled at me hugely when I was leaving and I think I might seriously need to marry her. I hope she can cook.

She had some sort of markings on her tit but I couldn't see what it was very well.

Worked at the land until 8 and then went to David's.

I've got Spanish II now and Latin II on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and I've got to work outside of class. Latin's really clearcut and easy though and I always get done quickly, so it shouldn't be a problem. And I think Spanish should be okay. There are so many tests, like four a week. They aren't hard except you have to study for them a little. Two years of either Spanish or French is required, as if Latin wasn't a real language or something. But actually it should be kind of fun; I'd like to take both anyway. And, Matzko says, it'll "look good on [my] transcripts."

I know too many people who have lived their whole lives just to make it look good on a transcipt.

School is really shitty. I got only about three hours of sleep last night. And I've got something of a cold now, so I feel weird.

Mrs. Richter grades very leniently from what I've seen so far. I got a 90% on the paper and she wrote a long note saying, please I hope you can understand, etc. And Aaron I think last year got 110% as a marking period grade. So really that's bullshit and I'd prefer getting bad grades. Except I never get bad grades for good reasons on English papers. But oh well. If she were hard I'd be complaining too. This is the nature of my neurosis.

Didn't fall asleep until 5.30, so I got a single hour of sleep and then went to school. That didn't really bother me much until the bus ride home where I felt really screwy. I took a nap for about two hours when I got home and woke up being very disoriented. It felt like I'd been awake for a week.

School was horrible. I've got chem. twice in a row. I've got Spanish II instead of Latin II. For no good reason. I told my mother to call them though, and if an angry parent phones the school then things go better for you. Photography should be good. English was insanely boring already. She just did the normal first day stuff, but it was unbearable. Western Cultures will be easy. Trig will be moderately hard and I'll get a 89% like I do in every math course. And gym seems nightmarish, lots of stupid fuckers.

When we were wrestling - I and Aaron - yesterday at his house in his yard I remembered how he was my sincere and great amicus, my bhiku bhodisatva Hermann Hesse friend, Narcissus and Goldmund monk with the long fingers. Rolling in the grass I remembered and how really I loved him, the real and complete asshole that he is, and then he wanted me to go home.

I want to start being drunk like James Dean is in all his movies and slouching in my chairs.

I went over to Aaron's and David was there and Zane and Eric came. We went to some sort of concert at I don't remember where, and it was good. Everyone there was just standing and so it wasn't very interesting and then we left very early. The big drama of the night was that Eric and Aaron didn't go in but everyone else did and thought they were coming, too. So David and I stood in the crowd and every five minutes Zane was coming back to say he hadn't found them and then he was off again. They were waiting outside and then we went to Sheetz.

Zane was slouching like James Dean.

Went to Aaron's at three-thirty. We watched The Wall and just sat around and sort of were swimming, except we just walked around and then got out because it was kind of cold. And we rolled around in the grass for a while. Then he said he wanted me to leave because Jenn was coming over and so he asked his mom to give me a ride.

He said he'd gone shopping with her the night before and that she'd bought expensive sneakers, like $160. So I don't know how he could be desperately in love with her. Also she has gross eyebrows.

I was rereading Hamlet, doing Act III, Scene i to myself, so I'm in an introverted kind of mood, feeling messed up.

Drew this earlier.

It's forty degrees outside. And it's always drizzling. It's like we're living in the East End now, so we can't go rafting. We physically can, I mean. But who wants to; what's the use? What's the use of all of it?

Chuck and Vasyl and Jared came over. We played manhunt a little but not really enough people came to make it interesting. All the fuckers from Aaron and Keil's were supposed to stop in but they didn't. And good riddance.

Read through my Blake. "The School Boy" is beauteous and I'll have to recite it when school begins.

Why is there no term "prodigal daughter?"

My parents refused to give me a ride to get movies. At eight o'clock my mom was complaining about what happened to her at work. I don't know why if you don't like people you let them bother you ten hours later. I would just quit and work at Dunkin Donuts. I mean, because free donuts, free coffees and the women that work there are always pretty nice to you. They look beat, but they seem nice. And late at night sometimes they give me extra donuts. So maybe then she could come home and not bitch at me and be more receptive to taking me to rent some films. She could even return them on her way to work.

Went to Aaron's at four and we were going to watch The Wall but Nick needed help at the land, so we did that. And then I was home by 6.30. Everyone was going to the land again later for a campfire sort of thing, boring people. I didn't feel like it. If it had just been the old boy scout bhikus around a fire telling stupid stories about The Wolfman it have been great. But it was the usual people who talk about the weather and that sort of stuff, so I was really feeling too happy to do it. It probably was pretty nice anyway, and I could have just ignored the bores that came, but I didn't really want to bother making conversation and that sort of thing. I didn't want even to tell stupid stories like when we were little.

So we moved some boards around for Nick, etc. and then Keil just took me home and I boiled noodles and masturbated and Mary called around 3.

I put some roast that was left-over in the fridge in with the noodles. So I'm really eating a lot of meat lately, more than usual. It's so primal that I like the act of it, the tearing with my teeth, more than anything else. It came out a lot less tough than when it went in, so I was proud.

I called David and he's really a madman.

Everyone is going to college this weekend. Gabe's leaving in a month or so I guess. And summer is over.

It's pretty weird. Memento mori.

I feel kind of lousy.

Went over to Tim & Chuck's Saturday night. Bryan, Chuck's friend, was there. And Vasyl came later around 12 from Ukraine. He's probably the only person I know aside from Mimi and John who has read War and Peace. And today we went to church, which I'm sure was a weird experience for him -- all these people chanting in a foreign language and drinking little cups of fruit juice. It really made me reflect harder on how screwy religion is. And so I kept thinking it'd be funny if everyone got food poisoning from the little crackers. He's an atheist I guess, and so it must have made a strange first impression to come to America, wake up, and then see what we're really all about: ultra-right wing fruitloop religions. So I hope I can let him know there is a counter-culture of poeple who aren't homophobic.

George started really yelling about homosexuals, about some guy he knew at Bible college who drew naked pictures of other men. He was kind of nutty and Puritan, like really into it: talking heatedly and loudly. But really I'm sure that someplace in the Sistine Chapel there's a drawing of a naked guy. And also there's the statue of David. And Michelangelo was gay anyway.

So that annoyed me. But the sermon was more or less just for Katie and Abby and Tuck, who are going to a Bible college someplace and he was giving them advice. So Vasyl and I were bored.

The music at churches is so bad is the real problem.

I felt kind of lousy after church so I just went home. Chuck wanted to come over but I didn't want to be around anyone. But later in the week he's gonna come. Aaron wanted to do something tomorrow or Tuesday and also there's the thing with David. Chuck wants to have a huge game of manhunt in the woods. He's really a madman. That's what we did when I came over, we played manhunt and my shoes are so cheap that I fell five times at least whenever I ran through the stones. I accidently ran into a wire fence, everyone did. It felt so good to get bloody. It's the problem with women that they don't like getting bloody. (Ironic, isn't it?) But it might be the greatest reason for me not getting married.

Also I was thinking today that I need a girl who can  really cook. Because my mum just throws frozen like tator tots in the oven, pre-cooked by some corporate executive who makes food to make money and doesn't give a damn what horrible disease I get from it. How can you trust people who say tator? It's too Appalachian to be healthy. So it makes me too paranoid to feel hungry most days.

I got bored with her microwaved dinners so I made some French toast. But the bacon or sausage was all locked into the freezer. She's nutty and says we'll eat it all if she doesn't lock it. And also she keeps all the fruit in the refrigerator so it's too hard. I mean, I just take the stuff I want out and put it on my dresser for a few days; it doesn't bother me. I just don't get it.

Wrote the "White Elephants" script. Mostly it's just the orignal stuff but I added two or three lines and some actions. And the end.
Tim and Chuck came over at 8 last night. We didn't sleep until 10 this morning.

They are two crazy cats. We beat each other up and watched some movies.

Finished my homework last night around four.

Went to Aaron and Keil's at 1. Worked at the theatre (1.30) for a while, put up the skrim and took out the set and took some junk to the land to be burnt. Then Aaron and I agreed that we both didn't want to do anything and that he'd call me on Monday. Eric and Mike and Keil and I went to Circuit City to return Keil's dvd player.

Lots of people came. Jenn and Zane. I didn't want to do anything with lots of people though, just with Aaron. Just like racing around the street and beating each other up. But everyone came and it wasn't at all what I felt like spending the evening doing, so I just went home.

Also Aaron's too sexually repressed to do Oedipus.

George dropped me around ten. Then we stood in my driveway for about half an hour and he said he thought I looked like I didn't care about anything, that I didn't take care of myself, you know, and that I seemed so different and less happy than I did before. And that I should find Jesus. But he was really nice about it. I don't really care about my hair and beard and general appearance. And honestly I'm confused by anyone who does. But the God stuff made me feel pretty spiritual for the rest of the afternoon. And of course I've only talked to him about twice in my whole life, so he doesn't really know if I'm insane or not. But that's the general consensus. Well so I took a shower.

Went to Aaron's at 1.30. Watched Seinfield while he was in the shower and then we sat around for about an hour and then I went home again. He had stuff to do and Keil wasn't back so we are going to take down the set tomorrow.

His mom took me home, and she asked me what I was reading for school and she said, "Oh, Conrad. You'll like him; he's insanely depressing." Which really comes off to me as a second opinion. So I guess the whole world things I'm going to slit my wrists or something. I don't really know even what they'd like me to do about it.

So I don't know if I'm depressed or what. I didn't think I was. But so many people think so, so I guess there might be something in it. But I'm usually not depressed, just insanely bored. And also really a lot has changed since last year. I mean the Felix and Oscar stuff; that bummed me a hell of a lot.

Reading over my thoughts I guess I'm a real cynical toad sometimes. All the time. But contempt for the world is better than being a brainless idiot.

But I don't know; who gives a fuck. That's my new thought on everything that sucks. Just who cares. I'm neutral to anything that cannot make me laugh. That's how I ended my last post, "fuck it," I just realized. So really I have got two problems: I use the "f" word too often and also I don't care. But who says you should care?

(Louis Armstrong)

The music makes my room feel like a Woody Allen movie.

And you shouldn't care. That's what everyone says. They say, "don't care what anybody says." But of course they don't mean it. Hell, I bet I don't mean it.

Read most of the afternoon and then Chuck and Tim called and wanted me to come over and spend the night. So I watched them instant messaging people for about three hours and we watched Fight Club, which I don't think they liked, and played some Play Station games.  It's so much better than being around the usual gang of idiots. Because there's no pretense. There's no bullshit. It's not so stupidly sentimental.

It's less Proust and more Hemingway man. And who would you rather hang out with? I mean, who would you want to wrestle and shoot things with? A mama's boy or Papa Hemingway?

Read through the Every Man's Struggle book Tim had. It's about why you shouldn't jerk-off. His parents found out I guess that he looked at internet porn.

We mooned people as they drove by.

My parents were crazier than usual. They refused to give me a ride and then they drove right next to Keil's. Got a ride from Eric at five. Play at 7. There was some sort of major screw-up every night. Steve forgot his line and he and Aaron were onstage alone with nothing to do, and then when the scene was finished Zane didn't bring down the lights. I'm not sure how he could forget to do that twice with a script in his lap. No one ever really cares though.

That's a problem for me, though: no one is ever willing to say a negative thing about anything.

There was a talk-back afterwards which I was there for about half of. And none of the questions were any good or even directed at me. I guess that of course they wouldn't be. But it's really the part of the play that crushes your pride when everybody is sucking Keil's cock and you just sit there and watch.

Gabe's mom saw my paintings and took a picture of them and said somthing like, "I didn't know you were ---" and then she couldn't think of what to say. So it must have been something like "not pathetically stupid and entirely untalented." Yes, " I didn't realize you weren't a retard, Allen."

Someone asked whether I liked film or theatre better. But I'm never in any movies substantially so I didn't know. All I said was that performing on stage was so much more fun except for you had to sit around with tedious people every day for a month solid and that it made me insanely and violently bored.

I got pies at Sheetz. A blueberry one for me. And I even got one for David and Aaron. But while I was in the bathroom, the bastards stole my pie.  I really think I'm a decently thoughtful friend sometimes, And then everyone just steals my pies. I mean, because they didn't go with us. They didn't know we were leaving, so I bought them their own goddamn pie. I didn't have to do that but I was trying to be nice, and then they just ate mine before I offered anything to them. So I felt ripped off. No one would ever think I might be hungry and buy me some food, and more than that they just stole my dinner. So I felt glum after that and just walked around the streets.

Ate at Perkin's. Jenn came. She's pretty nice and she was funny. But I was bored and am always so restless sitting around at restaurants.

Saturday night we were going to jump into the river, but then Aaron didn't want to be wet for Zane's party. So he promised we would after the play on Sunday. And we were really going to; he said he wouldn't mind. Be he also just kept falling out of the car whenever we'd stop someplace, really melodramatically, saying he was sick. So it would have been pretty mean of me to make him do it. And it really wouldn't be that much fun that way, with him falling everywhere. And also he invited other people to come along -- boring people. And I'm tired of always being in groups to do everything. It's so impersonal to have fun with fifty people at a time. So I just wanted to go home, which I did.

Also before the play I wanted to wrestle, and Aaron was being a prick and, I mean, really punched me. He was irritated and did it pretty hard. Right in the chest with his ring on, so it actually hurts a little when I breath in deeply. Why do people even wear rings? It's so phoney.

But he's always acting enlightened. The other day he said he was content with everything and that he wanted "nothing" out of life. Which is such a bullshit, prematurely enlightened thing to say. But then he got pissed and hit me with a little bit of malice, so he's not exactly the Lord Buddha quite yet.

So it was quite a day: getting my pie stolen, getting punched, sitting around at dinner, not doing anything worthwhile. And when I got home I sat outside and thought and really realized something. All summer long we haven't done a single thing I've suggested. We just hang out and do things Aaron thingk of, regardless of whether or not I enjoy them. Sometimes things just came up and we really can't go rafting or anything. But mostly it's just because my best friend is an asshole to me. So I'm going to start hanging out with other people I guess. Which isn't really what I want, but when your best friend doesn't respect your feelings at all, it's too much of a bummer to fuck with anymore. I mean, because we used to be like Sal and Dean and Felix and Oscar. And it makes me pretty goddamn sad. But now he's just too much of a Mara Kasputis sometimes, and he just walks all over me and I concede everything to him and it's no fun for me. I mean, because if he says yes and I say no, it's a yes. And if I say yes and he says no, it's a no. And it's too grossly unfair and unequal to be any good to me. I mean, because I'd love to buy him some pie, but he'd never think of getting me one. So fuck it.

Went at 3 to Keil's. Sat around. Watched the Noh version of "Prufrock." It was really good. The only way you could ever perform it.Went to the theatre and sat around some more until 7. Play. It went really well. Then went to the grocery store with Natalie and Aaron for stuff to eat at Zane's. Zane's sucked but I just sat outside the whole time so it was pleasant. Everyone watched Ernest Scared Stupid. The stars were really nice.

Came home at 12.

Aaron and I were talking about doing some Edward Albee one-acts sometime after everyone goes off to college. Really we could write something of our own, and I'm sure we're at least as talented as Keil is (and especially so communally). But neither of us has his ambition. So it'd be easier to just use something already written unless we can really motivate ourselves.

Keil's stuff is paced so similarly. Like the same patterns to all the monologues. "Let me put myself in your position. I'm a thirty year-old, handsome guy who lives in a beautiful apartment." "Picture this guy named Gus. Gus is an average guy who lives in an uptown apartment." (These from two different plays delivered by the same actress.)

Really I think that Absolut Jingo has an insanely beautiful and fun conception but then it's done kind of passionlessly.

Rehearsed from 12 to 6. But mostly we just sat around. Play at 7. It went well. Keil missed his que -- which was insanely annoying. It looks really crummy when someone does that. Like if I had watched that, I could never forgive the players. But everyone liked it and Theresa saw all my set paintings and wants me to paint her children. On the program it says "Set Paintings: Keil Troisi and Allen Strouse." So that's a rip-off. He did one of them. Miran is walking and she's very beautiful. But it would really suck to be commissioned for a thing like that and then screw it up. But I would really like to try it out.

Some of Natalie's friends came. And Sean, who was my neighbor until I was six. I talked to him for awhile and they came to Denny's with us. And he gave me his sister's screen name, so maybe we can be reunited after ten yers and get married. He said she's really into theatre, so that's interesting.

We went to Aaron and Keil's at 11 until about 12.30. Everyone went off to play drums and light torches outside Steve's house, but I couldn't see that as being entertaining in the least. They were all very hyped about it, so it seemed like one of those things you'd think would be fun and then wouldn't be at all. So I went home.

I said that I didn't want to beat drums outside Steve's house, and Aaron said, "Then go home." Which isn't a very compassionate thing to say to someone. So we just sat there listening to everyone talk about nothing for an hour and I kept suggesting things to do but he wouldn't. He delivers everything like he's Clark Gable.  Like Rhett Butler. "'Frankly, I don't give a fuck' about what you want to do." He's a real bastard about it.

Eric picked me up at 10.30. Went to the theatre. Rehearsed until 10 or 11. We ate at the Chinese place but I got a hoagie at Sheetz. I was pretty bored all day. David was there and I had fun with him for awhile and I and he and Aaron bought some shit from Dollar General. Some balloons we're going to fill with water and throw at people from the roof of the theatre, some candy, a ball. He's gonna come over next week I guess and we're going to sleep in the abandoned house. Everyone calls it "the Crack House." I guess Heather made it up.

He's doing the lights or the sound, I'm not sure which. Zane is doing the other. They've got headphones to talk between their booths and David said Zane had been telling him much of a dick I was and then I always deny it. But I don't deny it at all. But why am I a dick? Because I don't believe in living for other people? Well I don't deny anything.

(4.32am) My parents are being jerks. They keep telling me I'm making too much noise, to go to bed, that "they" have to work. But I work all the time on this damn play, and even at 5 in the morning I'm painting things for the set, so I don't know what the hell they're complaining about, verbally italicizing their works like I never do anything. And, I mean, what the hell do they do all day? Answer other peoples' telephones?

I worked for 5 hours today and rehearsed for five and painted for three. I wish they'd go back on vacation or something. I'm home so little, so it's kind of funny that the ten seconds they see me every couple days is used to complain.

I really don't want them to come to the play.

Anyway, I wanted to move to the basement so they wouldn't hear me and I could have more room, but they won't let me. Who even knows why.

(5.32pm) No rehearsal. There are auditions or something on the stage tonight. Painted more. Got yelled at. My mom always does things I'm supposed to do before I can get to them and then complains that I didn't do them. Have to rehearse tomorrow at 11

It's really nice to be alone today. Except it wasn't entirely alone, being bitched at from time to time. And also they made me eat dinner with them for no reason at all. I wanted to work in my room but they made me sit at the table and listen to them talk about stupid things. So I'm really starting to look forward to not having to live here anymore and not having to be around people who are boring.

Again at 8. We took down the set at the Mitrani and put it up on stage. That only took until 12 and then we got lunch and cleaned up the shop and lied around while Nick was at a meeting until 2. Bought some cds with the money my Aunt Sherry sent me for my birthday. Went to Aaron's. I didn't really want to go home because I'd have to come back down in three hours anyway, and so it'd be more driving for Keil. So I stayed and we didn't do anything. It was really boring. We watched Celebrity. It's the best movie ever, but I didn't want to sit. So then we spent the last twenty minutes while we were there with me asking why we always did things I hated. The best part of my stay at Aaron's was when he picked a splinter out of my hand.

The set-designer came with a model of the Romeo and Juliet set, and it's huge -- really beautiful. Maybe I'll try out.

Focused the lights at 6 and rehearsed until 11. Ate at Denny's. Their food is gross and over-priced though so I got a sandwich at Dunkin Donut's I was going to eat, except they made me eat it in the car. Capitalism is really a pain in the ass.  

Took a piss in Keil's yard when we stopped there on my way home so I could get my cds and it was so cold I could see my breathe. So that's really a bummer. Heat is stressful and it was insanely hot for weeks and my hair kept poking my eyeballs and it was annoying. But it was perfect for rafting. And now it's freezing outside. So I don't know what I want.

At 8.30 Aaron and Nick and I moved everything offstage and swept and vacuumed and painted, etc., etc. until 2. Went to his house for about ten minutes but he made me leave. He offered to swim but I was tired and he was tired and it wouldn't have been fun. He said that he wanted to take a shower and do his summer work and told me to go home.

"Me and Bobby McGee."

Rehearsed at 7. Got a ride from my parents to Keil and Aaron's at 5. They were going someplace. Watched part of Natural Born Killers. After rehearsal we played Egyptian Ratscrew, the latest craze in card gaming. Steve took me home around 12.

Mimi came. She's wonderful to talk to and she never says anything for saying its sake.

12-4 rehearsed. I wanted to raft but we swam at Gabe's until six. Came home.

Got some lunch at Wendy's. Walked through Weis's and looked at their cakes. Aaron had had a dream about cake or something, and he wanted one but they were too expensive. I should make him one, but he never appreciates things like that that I try to do for him. I'd be really glad to make him one except for that.

I wasn't in the mood to really care about anything one way or the other. Spent my allowance on H.P. Lovecraft.


Read a little and sat around and went for a walk.

Got my permit. It was really boring. Also, bureaucracy annoys me.

Took pictures.


Watched some Monty Pythons and went to the doctor's for about two hours. I waited and then he just came in, said, "Do you drink or use drugs? Do you faint or convulse?" and I said no and then he checked my breathing and left. Took some pictures.

At 7 I went to Aaron and Keil's and we stopped at the mall (Subway) where Aaron and I got hoagies. We were both in better moods today. Then we saw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at a church in Muncy because Brett was in it. It's so corny. But it was actually really good. They did it really wonderflly. Aaron saw Joseph and kept asking if it was Jesus; he was confused. I had to explain that it was Old Testament. The Joseph guy was great. In one number he was really flamboyant, and that was funny.

Went back to Aaron and Keil's and that was boring for a while, but then Aaron and I started to sing, Are there any queers in the theatre tonight? and it became more fun after that. I didn't want to see the movie but it started playing so I watched it. And I guess it was good.

("Don't you tock my boat/Cause I don't want my boat to be rocking anyhow.")

Took some pictures. Rehearsed from 7 to 8.30, something like that. I don't think I even did anything. Played volleyball. It's more correct to say that everyone else played while I climbed a tree, I guess. I wanted to swim in the river but Aaron didn't. I guess I could have gone alone. Or I could have went swimming with someone else. But he's really the most fun of everyone. And it's no fun to swim alone. It's nice to swim alone, it's like bathing in the Ganges if you swim alone late at night, especially in rivers. But I wasn't in the mood for spirtual-fulfillment. I wanted to do something fun.

I was bored all evening long. Bought some cds. Went to Aaron and Keil's where it was pretty dull. Aaron said we'd do something fun there, though. So I went hoping we would. But we didn't. He played Dungeon Keeper and everyone played cards. But are card games fun? I can't see how. I wanted to run around. I'm not in the mood for just sitting and listening to Zane make smalltalk with Allison. It's so worthless.

It was a mediocre day which ended on a low note. I guess I was just in a bad mood.

Oh, and Zane's planning some sort of party for after the play, on the tenth, I guess. Which is the kind of thing I hate. Parties are crap. And why is Zane always around anyway? He's not in the godamn play. He's doing the lights, I guess. But we're not on stage yet, so there are no lights until next week when we put up the set. Zane just said, "Well, then you don't have to come," as if I'm Mao Tse-tung. Like I'd just killed a million peasants. So I've either got to listen to bullshit from them or else not come at all and not be with my friends after we've just done a show. So that's weird.

Mimi's really right, most people just talk about nothing all the time. I get sick when I'm around people like that.

I hate people I don't like. That's from Mel Brooks, I think.

Keil picked me up at 6.30. I wrote a note for my grandparents, and they came and wrote something on the bottom of it. And they left two messages on the answering machine; they were worried that I had died. I bought some Zeppelin, some Godsmack, and Doolittle by the Pixies. We rehearsed until 9, ate at Sal's, went back to Keil And Aaron's. Aaron was happier today and we stole two orange cones from where they're doing contruction work behind the West Coast. I came home around eleven and had to call my grandparents, and they had been biting their nails all evening long.

I cut a gigantic piece of my foot off on something while I was trying to change a cd and jump over all the junk on my floor. I think it might have been the metal bar thing that runs along my bed and holds up everything. Or just a can of paint. Hopefully I won't wake up tomorrow with lock-jaw.

Painted a big, green and red Adolf Hitler for the set. That took about three hours. Read a little and rehearsed 6.30-9. Had to sit in the back of Steve's car on the way home where I was tossed around and had my head right next to his speakers.

He listens to some pretty crummy music. I don't know how you could do it. Like two albums of that kind of thing might be decent. But I don't understand why you'd want it as the staple of your cd collection. It's lots of electronic buzzings and thumpings and then guys using the word "nigger" an awful lot. There was one kind of nice song: about the opression of black people. But it was also kind of annoying. It only mentioned black Roman slaves, as if there hadn't been white ones, too. And said, you know, the Elizah Mohammed thing: that I was an evil devil. At the end it said that you couldn't trust any white people, and said that I was too ignorant to know about Spanish Moors. I really don't know what the appeal is to Steve, who is white. But I guess he likes it so that's all that counts.

And of course I know about the Moors. I just don't get people who dwell. I mean, sure, people were killed, etc., etc. But getting angry about it now isn't going to help anything.

Went to Aaron and Keil's for about ten minutes, but it wasn't very interesting and I felt sick from the ride so I went home.

Keil was working on Jub Jub a little and said I was really good in it, that I was the most natural acting-wise. So I said, "Oh yeah? Then why'd I get such a dumb part?" I guess he didn't hear me though. Eric and I read one of those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Aaron's eyes hurt from his appointment getting contacts, so he wasn't in a very good mood, poor kid. Natalie is probably the funniest girl I've ever known. Probably the only one who is really hilarious at all. Zane and Ally just kept talking about the most boring things in the whole world. Allison has such a weird smell. It hurts my head.

The Hitler is really great but I've got to saw the bottom off of the board tomorrow.

Rehearsed, eleven to one. It's very nearly ready so we didn't have to do too much. Watched Animal Crackers with Aaron. I don't know if he's feeling okay. It's hard to tell, because he pretends he is when he isn't most of the time. Which is a rotten thing to do to yourself. It's a rotten thing to do to people who care about him, really. He says he doesn't like depressing other people. Being noble is pretty dumb though. He acts really sad and just sits around and bitches about things, and then he won't say why. So of course I empathize and want him to feel better. And also I'm really bored by people who just sit around like that. And anyway it'd be nice for me to be able to hear his problems and to help him. But instead he just depresses me. Because I suggest things to make him feel better, like that we should dance to the Pixies, but he won't let anybody help him. So I always feel like such a bad friend. But I guess if he'll be okay anyway soon then I'll leave him alone until he's more pleasant.

He went upstairs and took a nap. Keil and Gabe were editing Little Dream of Me so I watched them doing that. It looks good.

I stayed until 5 and then got a ride from my mom.

I tried doing a painting for the set of Franz Kafka, but the board had some sort of finish on it so it wasn't working and it's too hot to fuck with it.

Aaron said that I'm really lively and jumping around nearly all of the time but that whenever I'm tired I'm completely dead and really cranky. But I'm never just in the middle like everyone else. I think that's pretty accurate. I'm not sure if he was complaining or not. But I guess he was really tired and I was punching him around and wanted to wrestle. So I guess he thinks I'm bi-polar or something, which I could be. He said I was hyper-active.

Rehearsed from ten till four or five. Got lunch at Wendy's. I went home and then went back to Keil's at six. I had to sew a button on my shirt and my parents were complaining about my room. We went bowling. Then Mike was having a party. I stayed for about fifteen minutes -- it wasn't very entertaining. It was all the people from the play and then Mike and two other people, so I just got a ride from Keil to my house. The goofiest part is that we sat in one room and the three other people sat in another. So I was just seeing the people I see every day.

It was a good day, but I had to rush home before it went bad. Most of my days are good. But then I stay with people ten minutes too long and then that ruins it. It's like being in the mafia. You just need to know when to quit. Like Goodfellas or something. If you don't use drugs and just know when to stop, you'll have a nice day.

Parties are really about the dumbest thing anyone invented ever. It's much more the Marquis de Sade's idea of fun than mine.

("At Seventeen," - Janis Joplin)

My mom took me on her way to work from lunch at one-thirty. Just the models and Aaron were rehearsing, so I walked around town. I found a thrift ship in the middle of nowhere, a part of Bloomsburg I'd never seen. Near the railroad. They didn't have anything good at all there, except for six Dune books for two dollars all together. So I got those and stole some metal from the tracks. I bought some tea. The bag my books were in broke from the metal, so I threw all of it out but a small piece, and then had to carry everything for about a mile back to the Mitrani. It all kept falling. It was really fun to haunt the streets and see all the beautiful things that would look so great in black in white. Like really nice shots for the Oedipus thing I want to do. I was thinking he could live in those rooms above the Children's Museum.

The Childen's Museum is weird to me. Because when I was little, I just played in the woods, real woods. Not in their kind of muslin woods. Those poor kids. I mean, what fun could they possibly be having being shoved around by all those goofy middle-aged Linda Hartung types with lots of plastic imitations of things kids should do? Linda Hartung is nice, but she's not wildly fun like little children should be. She's insanely worried about everything.

We ate at Denny's and rehearsed until 10.

Everyone was going to play basketball, but I went home.

Burger King doesn't have any milkshakes, either. The whole world is out of them. And what's the deal with the Wendy's people? Only chocolate? Did they think that through?

("Freshman", The Verve Pipes.)

When I opened my eyes it was two, so I guess I need to start setting my alarm. I had a dream where I was Woody Allen. I called Aaron at about 4. He was sleeping and said that he was feeling better. I'm supposed to go at five-thirty and then we'll get a ride somehow.

I touched up the cigar in the painting. It really looks great.

Last night in an ashtray at the shop there were some pretty long butts, so I was playing around with one, saying, "Here's lookin at you, kid," and "I'm no good at being noble..." and then fake-putting it out, saying, "That's my family, Kay, that's not me." So I guess Keil wants Reggie, my character, to smoke. And that's fun to do, really dramatic. A character needs something. Even in comedy you need something. Otherwise it's boring to do.

We rehearsed from 6 till 11. Aaron died his hair. Red. There was no blue at CVS. It looks really good. We stopped at McDonald's after getting dye but the bastards didn't have any milkshakes and they over-priced my fries, so I stole their "Caution: Wet Floor Sign". Everyone else put streaks in their hair. I could never buy hair bye. I'd always think that I could have bought a really cool cd or something instead. He looks great though.

I sat around at Keil and Aaron's for about an hour afterwards, which I really shouldn't have done. It was pretty fun originally, but then Keil went to bed and Aaron just kept playing freecell, so I was bored and tired and we have to rehearse at two tomorrow, which I don't want to do. So I was feeling glum. And that makes me feel insecure. I just get that way when I'm tired.

(Gravity Kills)

My parents are going to a winery next week. They don't even drink wine. They want me to come along. But I legally can't drink wine. It doesn't make sense. I kept saying to them, "But you hate wine, you hate wine." And they suddenly realized it, too. But then they said, "Oh, right. Oh, well."

Everytime my great-grandfather comes to our house he brings a bottle, he gets it from someplace, and it just goes in the sink. They don't know what else to do with it. And, I mean, even though they do occasionally drink wine, they probably couldn't tell you what "vintage" meant. It seems to me like something they're going to hate. So it doesn't make sense to me that they'd go there. They really seem like the Small Time Crooks couple when they get like this.

I guess they heard that their friends go to wineries, so they want to be cool and go too. They want to be in the in crowd.

I really love the part in Small Time Crooks, when she's telling the Hugh Grant character that he looks so young, and he's like, "Yeah, there's probably a painting of me in a closet someplace." And she just says, "A painting of you in a closet? Why would there be a painting of you in a closet." That's exactly what my parents would say.

I called late in the afternoon and Aaron wasn't in a very good mood and wouldn't say why, but I think it was something to do with the moon. I gave him a jar of olives but that didn't cheer him up any. The rest of the day he was pretty somber-looking. Like he kept sitting apart from everyone, like on the concrete outside the Mitrani, whimpering. It was cinematic, I guess. He does it in such a way that it makes me feel sad too. I really feel concerned and bummed when he's upset about things, but then he's one of those people who says that he can't talk about it, you know. So it's really unfair to make people care about how you're feeling and then not at least say why. So I just ignored it and did all my impressions for Keil - Jimmy Stewart, Nixon, Woody Allen, and then I started saying "Rhett! Rhett! Where are you Rhett! I'm pregnant again." And then I acted like I was toppling down a staircase. So He said we should remake Wuthering Heights. Oh, and I pretended to be Hugh Grant. That was pretty funny. He just sucks on his teeth all the time and wiggles his brow. It's so dumb.

When I got o Aaron's, we weren't sure how we were going to get to Bloomsburg. He was sulking on his couch, poor kid. I think he's lovesick. But then Zane came to get us. We rehearsed until about ten and then I worked on my painting until 3. It came out really well. Keil wants lots of Pop things. So I did a Groucho Marx in orange and green. When I saw this big, narrow board in the shop I suddenly knew that's what it should be, and it looks cool. Maybe I'll do the other two later. Harpo and Chico. But I think I'll just do like a soup can or something, or some Elizabeth Taylors. There are about ten boards I'm supposed to paint.

At Aaron's, I was reading John's Rolling Stone book, lots of interviews with film stars. Does anyone know if that St. Elmo's Fire movie is any good? It looks bad; all the actors annoy me. But it was in the same book as Brando and De Niro and Alfred Hitchcock and Kubrick and lots of really great people. So I guess it could be good. I don't know.

I was watching a movie and Aaron called. He could give me a ride, but only if we could go to Wal-Mart first. It's probably the worst place in the world. You should always just go to the Salvation Army. He needed pants or something, I guess. And he wants to dye his hair so we were looking for that. I keep asking him why, you know, but he can't explain it in a way that makes sense. It defies logic. And that's okay, except for anything that defies logic must simultaneously be fun, which I can't see dying your hair being. That's my system. Either it's logical and necessary or is fun to do. Like burshing your teeth is necessary, so I do it all the time. But brushing your hair isn't, so I don't. Drawing isn't necessary, but it's fun. So you do it. Drawing's almost necessary anyway.

He said once that he'd lose respect for me if I started using drugs. But I think drugs make more sense than dying your hair. I think he was just in a bad mood the day he said that though. And it's goofy coming from him of all people, because of course he loves all the same drug-inspired rock stars that I do.

It's weird to me that people do that sort of thing. There's no real function and it doesn't even look good. But he thinks he needs to, so I told him it should be blue. Or silver would be funny.

We went to Sheetz where we got a hoagie, and it was sort of a misunderstanding; he just ate all of it when I thought half of it was mine. I guess I misheard him, but I thought he said that, if I gave him some money for the tax that I'd get part of it. But he didn't remember saying it. So I guess I made it up. He really has a rotten memory though, and says things like I'm crazy when I remember things he doesn't.

Then we put the set together, which makes rehearsing so much better. And we were getting boards and things for me to paint on. Keil wants some Popism-looking things for the walls I'm going to do. I wasn't really sure what kinds of boards I wanted, and Nick said that I was spineless and needed to be more assertive. Which is exactly right, I guess. I really should have just said, "Hey, isn't that hoagie mine?" Which I guess I did, but not loud enough to be heard, really. I just sort of mumble those things and then leave. Maybe I'm really just hoping that people will be nice without me having to ask forcefully. I don't know how to do it though. Of course to people I don't like I can be forceful. But I don't know how to boss around people I'm friends with.

It's kind of strange that all my other detractors say I'm too ruthless. I guess maybe it's because I'm not friends with them. But he really knew what he was saying. So I should work on it. He said, "No wonder people walk all over you." So I guess people really do walk all over me. I thought I was just being paranoid. That's what people say when I point out that they're not being nice to me. They say I'm just making it up, reading too much into things. That I'm neurotic. They leave me alone in the basement reading books while they go swimming and say, "What do you mean I'm not being a very good friend to you?" If my friend was alone in a basement and didn't specifically ask to be alone, I think I'd probably try to do something else with them while everyone else went swimming. I sort of expect that to be reciprocated without having to ask. But I guess other people do ask, really. But I really act before they ask. Hell, I don't know what I'm complaining about.

For some reason, when anyone asks me what I want to do, I just forget what I want to do. But I must work on it, because I really am tired of not eating hoagies which are mine and going swimming with Liz when I want to go rafting. And also I should be assertive and ask --- tell --- people to recognize that I've got a problem with being confident in asking other people to do things, and that they should help me out by not being jerks.

Really it comes from an over-bearing father.

We rehearsed for a while. Allison is in it now. She's one of the models. She's boring.

I went to get a drink and Natalie was on the street with her boyfriend; she was playing hookey, I guess. But where I was going to get some tea was closed, so I just walked back. Zane went to Philip's though. Quinn was playing there tonight and I saw him earlier but didn't know what to say. So I just stood next to him for a minute while he talked with Zane, he commented on my beard and then I just walked away. Quinn really looks like John Lennon. He plays guitar better.

If you think about it, anyone who likes to be with other people all the time is just morbid.

I was trying to read but then I got caught up in The Shining, which was so bad I couldn't stop watching. (Not the good, Kubrick version.) The acting made Shelley Duvall look like Katharine Hepburn. And the Tony character was actually a character, not just a finger. It looked so cheesy. He floated in the air. And they were doing shots down the hallways like it was Kubrick. Like the shot out from Alex's eye at the very beginning of Orange, the really long pull-back. You could tell that's what they wanted, only the hallway was really short so it didn't work. I watched until the commercial and then got back to my book.

Eric picked me up. We didn't rehearse though, just put up posters all over. Then everyone wanted to go swimming and we met up with Steve and Eric went to the dentist. I was feeling kind of bummed anyway and I wasn't in the mood to go swimming. But Aaron pulled me in. So of course all the money I had on me is wet and probably ruined, but it made my day a lot nicer.

Aaron stayed home and Keil and Steve took me home on their way to Eric's. They're picking me up later to rehearse.

As soon as I woke up I had to eat meatloaf, which is gross. It was too early to protest and I knew that if I did open my mouth I was so tired  that I'd end up telling everybody off. So I ate about half of it and most of my potatoes and then I just left to my room. Meatloaf is such an insane concept. In the middle of your plate, you've just got this gigantic ball of oatmeal mixed together with fat. It's so bland that it seems just like you're spooning grease into your face.

And then my mother puts this ketchup sauce onto it, and ketchup is about the most horrifying thing in the world. Next to tomatoes themselves. I mean, it's also go vinegar or whatever, and loads of preservatives and hormones. So it's about the ten most vulgar things to eat  mixed together, and then it really becomes more than the sum of all its parts anyway. So I think it's a creepy thing for anybody to eat. I just scrapped it off.

Mary called and she's going to mail me some brownies sometime. And Heather was listening in, and she kept complaining that I was just talking about brownies when she needed the line for important business. And then later she said, "What, are they magical brownies?" Which they were, so it was funny. But it was more or less a joke that she was going to send me magical brownies, and I'm not sure that I'd really eat them anyway. It'd be fun to just give them to someone like Linda Hartung or something, and let her eat them all and see her rip off her blouse and tear through the woods like a maniac.

Mary has a copy of the Easy Rider screenplay that she stole, so I'm going to find a copy of it on the internet and we're going to put it on together. I get to be George and Billie, and she's playing Wyatt and most of the other characters. George is the best, really.

("Under Pressure," - Queen and David Bowie)

I love that line. "I've got a helmet already." Something like that.

I was thinking the other day that all my real favorite movies aren't Godfather or those sorts of things, but silly hippie movies like that one, or like The Ruling Class and Some Like It Hot.

My mother is insane. She just keepts bitching about everything to me. It's so hot so I don't really wear clothes unless I'm going someplace, just a sheet. If I could wear nothing though man then I could really reject society. But even with that she just keeps yelling about it. If there weren't a sheet I guess it could be a problem. But I had the foresight to realize how crazy she is so I've at least got that, but she keeps yelling anyway.

She also keeps coming in and saying, "Give me thirty bucks for this thing which you absolutely don't want so I can buy it for your when I go to the store." She thinks my camera needs some sort of case. Which it does, but not for any sum of money that I'm willing to give. She said, "It'll only be like twenty bucks." But that's three used cds or like 18 paperback books at Mugsy's.

I really hate people most of the time. They refuse to make sense.

I read some MADs today. They're funny, except for that they're real capitalist bastards now - lots of ads like they used to make fun of.

Heather always swears at me and then she goes to her Bible study thing and comes home and yells at me for saying "goddamn". It's hilarious, really. The next day she's swearing again.

I called Aaron and he's very busy with putting in cement and everything. Maybe we'll go rafting next week but of course he'd returned Duck Soup already. The only very bad thing is that there was so much hype.

It's so much nicer to have talked to him and know that we're not doing anything, rather than sit around and wonder. I can't help but to really feel kind of ripped off though. But it's not as if it were his fault in any way that he's got to work and go to his aunt's. It's just a bummer.

Whenever I cook anything, by the time it's done I don't feel like eating anymore.

I was wondering the other day why there's internet porn with like "hot Asians" and "hot black girls" and American girls and European girls or whatever, and Persian girls, etc. But there's never any Jewish girls. It's weird. Aaron told me that he thought maybe it was against their religion, but I don't know how that could be. He doesn't believe me when I tell him that you can be Jewish without actually practicing: that it's a race and not just a religion. He's so funny when he gets one of his insane convictions like that. Also, wouldn't it be hilarious to start making pornos with blind people in them? I don't know why no one's thought of it before. Or mute people, and they had to sign dirty things. Or even like phone sex for deaf people, on braille.

If you really wanted you could look through Holocaust books or something for naked Jewish girls, but you'd have to be a real Sadist to find that attractive. I guess that the answer really is: who'd want to see Streisand naked?

That fucker Aaron was supposed to call in the afternoon and we were going rafting. But of course he didn't and I left all the books I wanted to read at his house yesterday so I just lazily sat around and watched a movie and read more of The Andy Warhol Diaries in my bed. Then I tied the bedsheet I've been wearing around the house toga-like so I won't offend my sister's friends around my neck and put my shoes on and ran through the woods.

Poor, poor Aaron. He's the nicest guy and no one knows it. Everybody thinks he's a heartless bastard. I know why they'd think that: it's because he's always saying he'll call tomorrow and you can go rafting with him and he never does. That sort of thing will make you seem callous and unfriendly very quickly.

But he's really only just the kind of prick that very often I am to other people, like me never looking at Liz and always saying nasty, biting things about Zane when he's in front of Mara. And I never want to have to justify why I'm a jerk. So I can understand it entirely when he doesn't remember to call. He's just, you know, his own man, I guess. That's what his mother told me on the phone the other day, anyway. It's such a corny thing to say. She's always saying corny things, actually - now that I think of it.

The other day I was at his house and he just slept. He looks so gross when he's sleeping. People always write poems about sleeping people, comparing them to angels. But Aaron's head always bends down to his chest and his neck creases when he sleeps. All the bacteria and sweat come out of your eyeballs and skin, too. And his eyelids look dark. He seems to me just like a very old woman when he sleeps. An old Italian woman with hair above her lip. It's so gross and I didn't have anything to do for hours and hours at his house. He kept apologizing. I'm never in the mood for apologies. It'd have been a lot nicer if he wasn't tired. But he was and who am I to tell him not to be?

I feel kind of proud that I'm the only person who doesn't hink he's an asshole. I really hope I won't be one of those jerks that can't see how wonderful and really human he is.

It's kind of zep to be anticipating a phone call all afternoon though. It makes you feel so pathetic. But mostly the only very annoying thing is that I forgot those books. I've got hundreds of things sitting around here that I bought and started the first 70 pages or so and then put into stacks, but I'm not in the mood for them. These ones I was really wanting to read.

Also, you can't really feel let down anymore when you know very well that you're not going to get called anyway. It's sort of a joke to me when Aaron makes plans to do things with me. He's one of the few people I really like and probably the person I've had the most fun with. But we never do anything fun together anymore, which bums more me than anything else. Everytime I come over we end up digging holes.

Rehearsed around noon until about four. Went to Aaron and Keil's for two hours.

Somehow one of my Tool cds got scratched.

Read most of the afternoon and again after rehearsing.

Der Steppenwolf is really probably one of my favorite books ever. The ending is kind of strange, but it's basically just about this guy who can't fit into society. He wants to love other people, I'm pretty sure. Only he periodically realizes that people annoy him out of his mind. So he comes up with the idea that he's half man and half wolf.

Today I felt like a wolf, and didn't want to see anyone. I really didn't want to come to rehearsal also because Zane and Liz were coming, and they annoy me and confuse me and make me feel more awkward than basically anyone else. She just kept laughing her rotten laugh and talking like Mia Farrow, and then they just stood in the pool. I mean: just stood there. It was so boring. And they kept talking like my parents. Gives me such a headache. And then Aaron took off his shorts to be funny. Which it might have been, except we were at Gabe's. And Gabe is very sweet and always makes us pizzas when we come over, but if his mother had been awakened by Aaron's shrieking that late at night and seen him naked, Gabe would have been in a lot of trouble.

It was so odd then, because he kept saying to Liz, "Blow bubbles up at my cock," and things like, "Well it's a lot bigger out of the pool. It just shrinks in water." It was humorous because Zane started looking distressed and awkward. He kept pacing around and re-drying himself and you could tell he didn't know what to do, wondering if his girlfriend would start sucking Aaron off in the pool. But, I mean, Aaron was really just being an ass. The way he said everything was so phony. It's really artificial whenever he sorts of shows off like that. Makes you want to puke. Keil mentioned the same thing to me once on another occasion. If I were a girl I'd be so bored with the way he tries to charm people, I don't know how I'd stand it.

Well anyway Aaron had called me and I thought, gee, that I'd better go to rehearsal because we haven't got much time.

The thing was, though, we didn't do any rehearsing and we just went swimming. So, understandably, it was worthless. It was basically the precise opposite of what I'd intended. It is the last time I nobly do anything I'm not in the mood for.

I made this really hilarious joke about eh I don't remember exactly. But then Zane followed it up with something so rotten that I couldn't stop laughing at how bad it was.

He just ruins my spirits. He's the kind of person you just can't have fun around or he'll ruin your jokes. He's a Zeppo.

The week is long.

Rehearsed until noon. I was going to go home, but Nick wanted to eat first. So I fell asleep next to Aaron on his couch. I woke up and looked through some Where's Waldos and Zane came by and woke Aaron up by poking him with a toy musket and then he left immediately after he woke him up, and then Aaron went up to his room to sleep and  Carol took me home and I ate a sandwich and read and got a letter from Allison and Eric picked me up around 8.30. We rehearsed until about 11 and went to Dunkin Donuts. On the letter she signed it "Alli," and I realized I'd been spelling it like she was a boxer the whole time.

She said she wanted to go for a walk with me or get lunch. I don't know why she'd want that, really, though. Whenever I see her I'm always such a jerk.

Aaron and I were going to watch Duck Soup and then go rafting together as sort of a birthday present to me. But I guess he's watched it already without me, so that's kind of a bummer. (Adam and I have decided that the term "zeppo" should be used in place of "bummer" - which sounds goofy - as a noun which means something mildly sad -- because Zeppo is the boring Marx Brother. Really it doesn't mean something you cry about. It just means gee, that's really too bad. Oh, well.)

So, yeah: what a zeppo.

The answer is this: don't give a fuck if you don't get to go rafting and if your friends are always letting you down. You've got to lose your attachments and free your mind. So zeppo should just mean a negative thing, but not nec. something that's going to be painful to you. Just something you dislike and don't want, but (in a Buddha kind of way) you won't let yourself make it ruin your evening.

(Listening to Radiohead) Eric gave me a copy of Ok Computer.

If I were Zeppo Marx, I think I'd just kill myself.

Rehearsed, moved some furniture for Andy, ate lunch with Aaron, came home.

(George Gershwin)

It's kind of awkward accepting money from people. It puts you in such a bad position that it's really not worthwhile. I always feel like I didn't do anything to deserve it, that I was really pretty glad to just do it. But then for whatever you did which is worth maybe one dollar, they can't exactly just hand you one dollar (societally) without seeming cheap. So they give you a five and you're supposed to play that "Oh I can't accept this" game. It's so insane watching my mother and grandmother deciding who pays the check. They get very cruel about making the other one let them pay.

Makes you really consider being a hermit.

The other day when Aaron and I were at Mimi's we were chipping tiles and everything. But Aaron didn't want me to help since there was money involved and he wanted it all. Which is perfectly understandable. So I promised to let him have everything because I didn't want to just sit around while he did stuff and also I thought that that way he'd get done faster and we'd be able to do something fun together. But then afterwards I just felt kind of used. Like, really pathetic. That I'd do basically anything for him and maybe I shouldn't. I mean: if you're some other guy's bitch (which I'm not saying I am) and you realize it --- that must be a strange realization.

Even after I helped him and everything, he didn't get me a birthday present.

I got some books and rented some stuff and my grandparents came over, which was insanely boring. My own parents are very boring, too, I just don't have to sit with them much. But when they come over, too, I've got to be around the four of them for hours.

I said, please, no cake, no nana and pap.  I just wanted to be alone. Of course there was cake; of course my mother invited them.

I like them. I really do. It's just that almost anyone over the age of 30 just talks about nonsense all the time. Like "Today I did my crochet for ten hours. I bought nice curtains, too. They're big and red. And the lady at the store was really nice to me. It's supposed to rain later tonight."

It's horrifying.

They gave me these two books on Mount Rushmore and a shirt that says North Dakota or something. heh.

She was my woman,
I loved her so.
But it's too late now,
I've let her go.

I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it

I went camping and that was very fun. Everyone's really great and funny and they like me and laugh at most of my jokes. I met Chuck, who seemed pretty cool though I didn't see him much because he had to go and I'm not sure if he really liked me much. But he liked Green Day a lot and had the sense to skip to track seven, which is close to being my favorite song ever. It's really my theme song.

I slept for about an hour, went home and lied in bed for forty-five minutes or so until Keil came. We all went to Gabe's house where we ate and took naps. It was probably the least worthwhile rehearsal ever. I was really too tired by then to be much good to anyone and didn't feel like talking. That always makes me kind of, eh, defensive, I guess. When I'm tired and not in the mood to be around people, I always get the idea that they want to be around me even less. Which isn't exactly a legitimate complaint, I know. So anyway, I didn't feel like interacting with everyone enough to go swimming, and I was basically glad to leave for my house and my bed when I finally did.

Keil and I and Aaron though had a nice discussion on my way home which made the trip to Bloomsburg and my not getting any sleep a decent situation. That's particularly nice for me, too, because always in car rides I feel lonely in the back seat with all conversation out of earshot. I realize that it's just because I've lost my mind that I would feel lonely because of being in a car, but Keil and Aaron always look like they're talking about the most amazing things while I'm in the back and the cd playing is too loud for me to be a part of whatever they're doing. It isn't all the time, by any means. Just when I'm feeling screwy to begin with or the trip is especially long do I feel awkward in cars.

I'm busy and tired and reading the Kerouac I bought the other day. He's such an awesome guy. I want to make a movie about him and Burroughs and Ginsberg and Cassidy everyone. As soon as I read everything they've written and research it fully, I'm going to make a screenplay, which I've sort of already have an idea for how to do it. I mean, the setup isn't too hard and you could probably rationalize following most of the books for getting situations and bits of dialogue. But I've got a few thoughts on the real tear-jerking pathos part of it which I can't really reveal to you now. I'm sure my idea is entirely fictional and would piss a lot of people off, but I think it's good anyway. You should just take my word for it.

Also, when I got home there was a package for me, which I thought must be some really rotten cd from an estranged aunt. Once my mother told her I liked jazz music, so she got me like Kenny G or something, it was gross. But it was from Elizabeth, and it was The Andy Warhol Diaries. I realize what an absolute asshole I am for never talking to her anymore, because she's probably the single most kind person to me, who's always let me complain to her and go to lunch with her when I had no one else to see, and I basically just used her for support until I got my other relationships in order, and then threw her over entirely and stopped, you know, acknowledging that she's even around, basically.

I don't really know what to do. I just feel so damn awkward around her. And, I mean, not just her. But basically everyone except for a very limited amount of people. She's very nice and I appreciate her very much. I just can't relate to her or understand her. It's not, of course, just her that makes me feel unable to speak or generally enjoy myself. Zane does, too. And Mike, actually. And not because of whatever twisted and boring relationships they've got between them; not at all that. But just because I don't feel comfortable near them. They're tedious about everything. And they're so uptight about things.

The other day after practice they went to Dunkin Donuts. Keil and I snuck through the drive through and I went home; I was very hungry but I just can't be near them in a restaurant booth and have to listen to them. Whenever I drive with Liz and Zane, which is never anymore, I used to have to stick my head out the window so I didn't have to hear. And Mike man: he's nice. But he's so over-revered like some sort of buddha. Everyone comes up to him and rubs his stomach or whatever and says they need advice. But he's so homophobic that I don't know how you could take what he says about philosophies seriously. He's very provincial so I just don't mention anything around him.

Once he kept telling me that there's no marriage in heaven, no marriage in heaven. Well I said, "How the hell do you know man?" And he shook his head like I was an idiot.

I sort of cynically received the present, thinking it might be a trick to make me feel guilty.

Fuck being guilty though. I feel good. I mean, aside from my being worn out making me not want to sit at Gabe's house with girls who make me feel uneasy, I feel very good. It's really important to me that I've got my good friend Aaron as my good friend again. And really that somehow makes everything else, like reading alone in my room, a lot more pleasant. It really just obliterates my everyday anxieties.

Also, I really hope that everyone will invite me again to go camping with them. They're all Bodhisattvas man. I really think they are. Or at least they're Kerouacs and Cassidys.

Rehearsed, filmed; Aaron and I pulled around lots of boards; Aaron and I went to Mimi and John's. We chipped apart tiles and listened to the BBC Sessions and watched a Marx Brothers film. I had fun. Aaron hates Billie Holiday and Bob Dylan. I am suddenly very tired. Mimi and I built a bench in her basement. Maybe we're rehearsing tonight. I really kind of hope we're not. I don't know how anyone could hate Billie Holiday or Bob Dylan. It's inhuman.

Maybe we could go rafting for my birthday.

(from F-111)

My gratitude to Mimi and John for being such great people.

Chipping apart floors and moving around boards with Nick is just like hiking in the woods. It's very spiritual and your hands start to quiver. You lose yourself in it and, I truly think, if I did it long enough on a giant giant floor which was infinite in the ten directions of space, that when I finished I'd have found nirvana.

Rehearsed (am) from 8-11 (ate), went to Gabe's, went home.

Rehearsed (pm) from 9-12.

("Love Me Two Times")

Natalie is really wonderful. I kept saying to people I wanted a blow job for my birthday. I don't think I'll even get a card though.

Sawed boards for several hours, went swimming, got bored, went home.


My parents are really getting on my nerves.


Had to mow my grandparents' lawn.

Folding clothes is stupid.

("Plastic Fantastic Lover," - Jefferson Airplane)

My aunts and cousins all emailed me back a few times saying that they wanted an apology, so I told them to shove off, basically, and not to email me anymore.

Watched some movies.

("Friend of the Devil")

Dug more holes, went swimming.

(Cat Stevens)
It's hard to get by, just upon a smile.

D'Arcy and on a few tracks James Iha and Jimmy Chamberlain play with them.

.02-.03 I was up until dawn talking with Mary on the telephone. We sang "Tangled Up In Blue" and "Don't Let Me Down" and read Dr. Suess and it was pretty nice.

I dug holes and watched The Philadelphia Story with Aaron. I didn't want to watch it at all. But Aaron was impressed by the billing and so he really wanted to, so I did because it would probably be my only opportunity.

Well, everysooften it's my practice to piss off religious zealots. My aunt sent me a petition about that "under God" stuff, asking me to sign it to keep the words there. Naturally, I replied to her and to all of her friends about what a crock I thought god was, and how unconstitutional it is to praise him through government institutions. No one, of course, considered anything I had to say.

What I hate most is this: whenever I say anything truthful but criticizing about something, people think I'm to blame for the faults of whatever I'm criticizing (they say that I don't like things because of my personal problems). That's really dumb.

The problem is this: most people are too ignorant to realize how ignorant they are. Aaron pointed that out to me once, but I always forget it when I need to remember it.

Do you ever think back to another time?
Did it bring you so down that you thought you lost your mind?

I fell asleep around 4.30 and slept for ten hours, and very steadily and solidly.

I've had the date wrong for awhile, so now I've felt annoyed with god and my calender for two days in a row about June ending.

I feel kind of annoyed simply at the fact that I've spent a month entirely alone. Woody Allen and Hunter Thompson are great, don't misinterpret me. I just feel very forsaken sometimes, especially when months end or seasons change.

(Velvet Underground)

Once I gave Keil and Aaron a copy of the Banana album. They never even listened to it.

Sunday morning, praise the dawning
It's just a restless feeling by my side.
Early dawning, Sunday morning
It's just the wasted years so close behind.

I read someplace the other day, that at their first concert, two audience members fainted. It probably was because they were using something, not because of the VU.

Bummer about June being over. It really is.

Rented some movies and bought my book for English class and two cds from Mugsy: Gish and Pisces Iscariot, both by the Smashing Pumpkins. I keep getting a small amount of money and then blowing it within hours.

Track Nine on Pisces is a cover of that dorky Stevie Nick's song "Landslide." But Jesus Christ, I swear it's the most beautiful thing I've heard since the first time I played "Across the Universe" or "The End" or Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2 (Funeral March). It's so beautiful. "Stairway to Heaven" has never made me feel this euphoric (or desperately sad). Download it right away or you can borrow it from me.


Saw Minority Report last night, which I'll tell you about sometime soon.
Minority Report

("Here Comes Your Man")
I know the dirty beard hangs
Out by the boxcar, waiting.

This is really kind of annoying.

It drives me insane. Insane. Not enraged or anything like that, but my heart beats wildly and my hands fidget and I feel crazy.

Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

John Entwistle died today. I didn't know him personally, but it's kind of a bummer.

We shot a scene of Jabberwock. or JubJub, I guess it's called.

Even I think it's cool. I'm the most cynical and unkind judge of anything, too. It's really so much fun to do, of course. Only I sound like such a clown, my voice is so vulgar. I sounded like James Earl Jones today.

I and Mimi and Gabe had lunch together after Keil went to work. We talked about wonderful things, beautiful things. It's great to talk to people sometimes, especially to Mimi.

Aaron told me to stop in on my way home afterwards so we could hang out for a while.

Everything --- from The Seven Year Itch to my Far Side calendar to that whole thing with the World Trade Center (which I absolutely refuse to refer to as "Nine/Eleven," because that's just stupid). I thought it could lead to a new era in American policy: broad, sunlit uplands, etc. and that we'd suddenly be peaceful to everyone. And I think everyday when I'm changing it, "Oh, today it will be funny. Today Gary Larson might meet the expectations I've got for him." --- everything is a huge disappointment for me. Everything leaves me feeling ripped off.

He said he might be busy, and of course I assumed he would be. I also assumed that "busy" would be that he was working with Seamus Heaney on a new verse translation of Beowulf, or that he was pulling down the Berlin Wall or liberating Tibetans or giving testimony before the Senate. I thought he'd at least be jamming with his band.

(Peter O'Toole in The Ruling Class)

It's the most insulting thing anyone's ever done to me: Aaron went shopping with Zane instead. And I say this only half-jokingly. I mean it: it's pretty godamn rotten, you feel like you've really got the short end of the stick, when you show up at your friend's house and his mother says, "Well, gee, he's off at Wal-Mart with Zane. Want me to have him call you later?"

I'm not angry about it; I'm not, you know. I'm not crying into my pillows(etc.). I really don't seriously give a damn. It's just funny as hell, you see, it's funny as hell that people are throwing me over so they can go to the mall with Zane.

I've been wading in the Velvet Sea

This isn't even the first time this has happened to me. My whole life, since I met Zane in the fourth grade, all of my other friends he's been stealing away from me so he can take them shopping. The first girl I ever loved was lost to him, and to his in-store credit at Sears.

I actually went shopping with Zane myself once, and what a nightmare that was. I and Keil and Zane and Mara and Liz thought we'd have a grand time visiting the Barnes&Noble. But, listen: it's a godam bookstore. There's nothing special about it. It's a little big. But it doesn't have anything you couldn't possible ask your local retailer to order, and it didn't even have what I wanted, anyway (which was Mao Zedong's Little Red Book). Go to the website, old sport. Pay the shipping and handling and save yourself the torture of an afternoon with Mara (and Zane recklessly following after her, down the classics' aisle, knocking down copies of The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas and Harriet Stowe and J.R.R. Tolkien as they go so that he can try to ravish her behind the condiment stand in their ugly little coffee shop).

That's a pretty awkward thing to sit through, especially if you're being shrieked at by a retentive Polish girl for spilling your coffee and accidentally kicking someone who was purposefully untying your shoestrings.

Christ, I should get analyzed. Every time I type, such anger pours out.

ab la ach bein ober stike lin.
(the glorious Ninth)

My mum wants me to sweep the floor today. I swept it on Friday, though.

I swear, she's lost her mind.

("Siegfried's Funeral March," - R.W.)

The heat annoys me.

(Listening to "The KKK Took My Baby Away")

Aaron told me today that Elizabeth and Zane are screwing around with each other. Isn't that funny?

If people thought I was a jerk about the Mara thing (which: like hell I was) then they'll look forward to all the tactless, tasteless, and ruthless things I'll have to say when I see the two of them together.

I woke up kind of late and made fun of Danny Acor most of the afternoon.

Aaron was nice even though we didn't do anything.

(Listening to "In the Flesh")

Tasting of Flora and the country green,
Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth!

Also, Mrs. DiDomenico is really nice.

God bless you, Dylan Thomas.

That's all I really needed to hear to put me at ease.

(Also, listening to Count Basie's "Jive and Five," &c.)

I'm an asshole.

Does everyone remember when I made fun of Missionaries and pissed off scores of people? Or the time I made Mrs. Hendricks break things and go Charles Manson on Millville High School? Or in the third grade, when all the teachers had just gone on strike, and I hated our Spanish class, so I led my own? I terrorized Mrs. Mausteller old sport. I really did.

I shouldn't make fun of Zane in front of Mara. That's really my whole problem.

Twi twit twit
Jug jug jug jug jug jug

Well I'm very sorry about being an asshole. I'm being sarcastic about the Mara thing, you see. Because I'm really kind of mad that that's the thing that makes people call me names, you know. I am an asshole, and I deserve to be called one, but not for that, not for the things people call me on.

But, gee, I shouldn't have been a jerk about those couple of other things. I'm not sure if it's too much ingrained in my personality to be helped or not. I imagine that I'm brutal and cruel, and I regret a lot suddenly.

[Since this was written, I decided to return to my "to hell with everyone else's feelings" policy.]

(Listening to "Baba O'Riley")

I've been drawing a lot.

Friday is summer, which makes me very angry.

I'm too restless to read.

So much time has been wasted.

I feel like shit.

I think I just wrote a haiku.

(I am, George. I am.)

Nothing to do to save his life
Call his wife in
Nothing to say but what a day
How's your boy been?

Stayed in bed for a while singing along with the Beatles, which is such a pleasant thing to do. I drew a picture of Humphrey Bogart, too.

Do you need anybody?
I just need someone to love.

(I am listening to "Strawberry Fields Forever")
(goo goo ga joob)

Celia really struck me in The Cocktail Party. The dreamer is no more real than his dreams --- that sort of thing: it really sort of struck me, grabbed at me, made me feel like such a Romantic to want anything more than to live unhappily in Suburbia, or, hell, in the City, or anyplace, but to be anything but unhappy --- it's almost an impossible aspiration. You talk to Zane or anyone, and they act like you're a Nut because you want something more than to be dulled and emotionless like they are.

You're a horrible bastard if you want anything real; and if you've got an ounce of integrity. And that's why I feel so sad watching Manhattan. This poor guy, you know, his friend says, "You don't have to be God all the time." And Woody Allen's character says, "But I've got to aspire to something." Which is funny, of course, on one level. But then it's heartbreaking, too, because he just wants to be decent and true and not have to settle on the lesser of two evils anymore, he wants to be sincerely happy, and not the kind of phony that everyone else is.

That's why I love Holden Caulfield, I guess. Because he and Woody's characters are both neurotic wrecks, but they don't want to be. They only are because they can see how stupid they are and everyone else is, and they don't want to be a part of it anymore. They want a little bit more than that. And, of course, expecting too much from the world makes them chronically unhappy.

Jesus, that's a bummer.

My mother thinks it's a good idea to wake up with the dawn and leave for town at the earliest possible hour. Thus, I wasn't exactly in the mood to return my movies myself; she had to do it and I don't trust her to get me new ones.

Last time we were in the video store together, she tried to rent The Undercover Baby, but I slapped her around and made her get some Neil Simon.

Anyway, I'm reading some Dr. Hunter S. Thompson again.

I'm feeling very apathetic, which is the best way I've heard it described. Not in the sense that I can't do anything at all; it's more or less an indifference to the fate of myself and every human being around me.

My sister told me yesterday that I smell like a hoagie, which is surely the most accurate thing she has ever said. There are those gross ones that come in little plastic bags that church groups are always trying to sell me, with little astronaut packets of mustard and mayonnaise inside.

I'm paranoid about meat, frozen vegetables, and anything that comes in a plastic bag.

I hate those things and resist their harassment, but my mother buys them constantly, and then expects me to eat them.

But I don't.

(I am listening to the Pixies)


Liz came round at about 11.30 and we went to Dunking Donuts ($1.48). My glazed was texturally not up to standard.

Returned my films and rented some more Wilder (Sabrina, with Bogart and A. Hepburn and William Holden) and On Golden Pond, which is probably a piece of garbage, but I feel like a sap today and wouldn't mind some K. Hepburn. ($3.16)

Also, we spent about two hours looking through books (bought Tender Is the Night, Eliot's The Cocktail Party, two plays by G.B.S., Ragtime and The Autobiography of Malcolm X). Liz got some Anthony Burgess and had an egg sandwich. ($9.86 at Rachelle's, $5.25 at the store with the Old Lady in the Neck Brace).

The Old Lady in the Neck Brace had a copy of The Andy Warhol Diaries, which I read about half of online a couple of years ago when I was obsessed with him, and I'd sort of like to get it and finish it up.

The Old Lady in the Neck Brace, who is notorious to annoying the hell out of me, annoyed the hell out of me.

Liz was fun, but my heart's not in it. She's so nice to me that I wish it could be. Also, whenever we go anyplace we just spend hours looking through books.

(I am listening to Mozart)


I feel dried up. I think my balls are falling off, drying up too, maybe; can't explain why: just have a sort of intuition. Subconscious fear of castration.

Over-analyzing everything; have read too much Freud lately.

I don't think I eat enough and I feel like Sylvia Plath.

I can't bear to listen to anything except for the very softest Chopin or Schubert's Piano Trio in E Flat.

Everything but rice, water, and Marlon Brando disrupts my soul.

(I am listening to the voice of God)