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Short Poems
world premiere tonight:
trapists in a opera.

my soul is your pin cushion

ive cut my lips
on salty hips
and restless seas
have tossed my faded soul

ive resd my head
on faulty beds
while alleygirls
have robbed me of my soul

and winter nights on cobblestone
have torn my weary coat
and left me to the crows

by grey thunderlight,
writing her lightning sonnets
with my eyelids rain

My doctor wants me to
 stop drinking and to eat well
My priest says i should
 knock off the whoring and give penance
Sal, who is my oldest friend and bookie
 says the Mets are sure to win

But really, all I want to do
 is get the train back to Boston
and make sure to tell her I love her this time.

all of my possessions
smell much too much like
white,pure,summer,azure sky
to let me sleep peacefully

I love you like Zelda Fitzgerald,
you greying alcoholic:
and wish you'd start calling again
Long enough for me to regret it when I hang up on you.

It's twelve o'clock,
Which -- I am told --
Should shake my geranium
Or like a madman shakes yer memories,
should give me stellar indegeston.

loving you has been
a heavenly, raptured game
of russian roulette