Deadly Ivy | home
bowel | haiku | (shaving in extremis) | Sonnet(a complaint) | Topf&Söhne | Symphony#41 | Sweetheart- | Plea for Mercy | 6.7 | 6.8 | 5.30(W.C.W.) | Rationale of Verse | Short Poems | (spontaneoulsy written) | 6.6 (Elizabeth)
Sonnet(a complaint)
I'm leaving to El Mehico
where you cant love me anymore
Ill toke up with a Peasant Boy
and I'll find a native girl.
A Spanish Señorita
Will give me hollow laughter
will drown my sweetest sorrows
.Will bathe in Heavens Ether.
My brownfaced little barefoot child
our south son
clinging on his mother’s breast has
a dirty,tearscared face.
For: happiness Is a Fleeting
Spanish Jazz
But sweet girl, give me louder music and more wine.
Give me mañana and nirvana and oh alack that we were ever born.