Deadly Ivy | home
bowel | haiku | (shaving in extremis) | Sonnet(a complaint) | Topf&Söhne | Symphony#41 | Sweetheart- | Plea for Mercy | 6.7 | 6.8 | 5.30(W.C.W.) | Rationale of Verse | Short Poems | (spontaneoulsy written) | 6.6 (Elizabeth)
Plea for Mercy
Ye Muse! O sing no sorrowed tales,
And Fates — please string with kinder thought.
For my heart is
napalmed like a peasant girl,
And my soul is dry as bone,
and cracking on my face.
My dirtcaked pants
serve to remind me of the past,
Until they crack a little more,
and splinter up as glass.
My conic section’s alibi
Hangs on December’s lullabies,
And the darkened streets of disrepair
Echo nightfall’s last and truest tear.
Lie beside me once again,
Please kiss me in the rain.
For my soul is broke to pieces,
And the cold is setting in.